I have officially made it to my second entry. Pretty sure the one time I tried to start a blog last time it really only lasted for two entries. So the real test will be surpassing this one and moving onto number 3. I think the real celebration will come when I hit my 52nd entry cause that means it will have been a year. Or maybe it won't even be a year, I will just be so into this blog that I can't stop writing. Either way a party of some sorts will happen after 51 more posts. Feel free to give me ideas of how one is supposed to party over blog.
My first week is done, along with my starting point of going a week without TV/movies. Honestly, it was a needed break, though at first it was hard. Just imagine, I lived for 19 months without it. Now I'm back to that point, I don't think about it as much, which was the purpose. Also, my sleep schedule improved significantly. So I'd say TV/movie free week was a success. Now to go from there. This week, while not completely void of TV/ movies, I have limited them significantly.
My week was very full, lots of fun things happened. And while this is not the only purpose of my blog, I figure its okay to give a brief run down of the things I learned and observed.
First: Good friends are people that make you a better person. My old roommate Tristin came over on Sunday and told me this, so I didn't come up with it on my own. I had never thought about it that way. And it made so much sense to me why I enjoy certain people so much and want to spend time with them. They help me to be a better person. Win.
Second: I attended a concert on Sunday for Joshua Radin and A Fine Frenzy. Both amazing artists. And probably one of my favorite concerts. Why? Because the venue was McDougall United Church downtown. So rather than being crazy and having various crowd surfers kicking you in the head, I could sit back and enjoy the music. Win.
Third: Pumpkins are more fun to carve whilst in the presence of friends and family. Actually everything is. But I carved pumpkins with friends yesterday so I thought I would throw that in there. Well done folks.
Alright, I'm going to end this here. But I do need ideas for future 'experiments' I should try. Lisa sent me a suggestion to see if I could go a month without eating processed foods. That would be tricky, and so crazy that I just may try it. I certainly will not be starting that anytime this year though. Halloween and Christmas are fast approaching and lets face it, one of my favorite things is food. So send me ideas, and I most likely will try them in at least some way. Then you can be infamous on my blog, cause I'm pretty sure its going to be a movie one day. Fame awaits you!