Thursday we had a huge blizzard. It seemed to be quite out of the blue, but it was furious. So much snow, I feel like its been a while since it was quite this bad. We got over 30 cm of snow in less than 24 hours, that's a lot! But I have found that snowstorms like this tend to bring out the best in people. My car got plowed in and three lovely strangers came to my rescue in minutes. I'm sure I will never see them again, but I hope they know how much I truly appreciate them. Since you can't really stop to say thank you once you get unstuck, you have to keep driving and shout 'thanks' out the window. I got home and decided it was best to stay parked. The blizzard made me crave a Blizzard from Dairy Queen, and as luck would have it we have one within walking distance of my house. Bethany and Merrill were on the same page so we ventured out into the snow to fetch ourselves some ice cream. It was quite the adventure. The snow banks were huge and since most sidewalks weren't shoveled yet we walked most of the way on the road. The streets were really deserted since we weren't the only ones who gave up driving for the night. The Blizzards were delicious! On the way back we played in the snow, well Bethany and I did. Merrill didn't have a coat on, just his suit, so he didn't make any snow angels. haha.
Friday I was in a pretty grumpy mood all morning and even into the afternoon. Which is unusual for me on a Friday since the excitement of the weekend usually puts me in a better mood. But this Friday just seemed to drag. Finally I made it through nap time for the kids (which was particularly brutal). Not like they did much napping, more screaming. The golden moment of the week came in the last half hour of my work day. One of the children was standing on her own and very proud of herself since she has yet to walk. I put my arms out to her and after one fall she got up again and took her first two steps into my arms. It completely changed my entire day. All the crumby became so worth it. I was so happy and she was so happy. We had a celebration right there on the floor. Moments like this remind me of how lucky I am to have such a wonderful job where I get to take care of beautiful little babies. They are so special, so innocent. I have so much to learn from them. That moment was real joy.
On Saturday I tried to sleep in but failed miserably. I was up by 7 and got lots accomplished. Dawson came to visit in the afternoon, and we had a nice time. We dined on Costco hot dogs and strawberries, is there a finer feast? I'd say not. That evening I went with Kaylee and a bunch of other people to play Laser Tag. I had no idea it would be so much fun. I wish it lasted a bit longer. In all I came in 28th out of 39. So I was not totally last. :)
Today I got to participate in two musical numbers in church. For one I accompanied on the piano. And the second one I sang, even soloed at the beginning. Which was pretty scary, I always get so nervous doing solos. But I made it through and we pulled it together pretty well. Yay! Tonight we went to a music Gala. So many talented people! I love music!
And that was my week. It was awesome. And now this week is actually Easter, lots to look forward to!
I thought I would include some pictures from the week. Here is Delphine, Bethany and I set to watch the final Harry Potter movie. Note I have a licorice wand and Delphine has a pumpkin pastie.
Bethany and Merrill enjoying their Blizzards amidst the blizaard
Bethany's attempt at a snow angel. I love this picture!
Our front yard. So much snow!