Hello One and All!!!
It is exactly a month since my last post. Unplanned of course. I have had an excellent month. but seriously, if 2014 continues like its going, it will be over before I know. So I am trying really hard to love every moment. Sometimes I forget, but there is a whole lot of beautiful stuff happening around to remind me to be grateful. So lets do an update of this past month. Lots of exciting things!!
On Feb. 14 I left to Utah with my brother Davin and sister Sierra. Davin had his first double Big Mac since getting back from his mission. He thought his stomach was going to explode after. Obviously we are going to have to make sure that boy stops working out and eats McD's much more often if we have any hope of being more in shape than him. We made a quick pit stop in Stirling to visit Grandma and Grandpa Lybbert. Then we were off to Utah. It was really nice having Davin and Sierra driving with me, cause it gave me lots of chances to snooze in the back. A perfect road trip. We got to Orem on Saturday around noon. Greeted enthusiastically by two of my old mission companions, Summer (who ran to my car as soon as I pulled in) and Riena (who lazily waved from the balcony). We visited lots over the weekend. And did some fun activities too. Including the Nickle Arcade, which I was somewhat successful at. Like I got enough tickets to get a mini flashlight that almost lasted until I left Utah. We went skating at the Hockey arena for the Salt Lake Olympics in 2002. I think it was good luck for the hockey games team Canada had coming up in Sochi. We also hit up the trampoline place Hang Time. It was such a blast. I think I may have found my calling in life, jumping in a room full of trampolines and foam pits. If I ever become moderately rich I am installing one of these in my house. I didn't take any pictures but Sierra did, so when she sends me some I will upload them.
I did however get a video of Davin playing with the interactive floor and lots of kids. Hilarious! He fits right in!
While in Utah I made sure to hit up Sonic drive-in at least twice. Its a pity I didn't get to go more. But I did get spoiled in the food department, thanks to the wonderful cooking of Mira and Trina. Delicious! I also made sure to support our Canadians in the Olympics. Ice Dancing was on, so of course we cheered them on. Tessa and Scott skated beautifully and won the silver. If I were a judge I would have given them an unbiased gold, but I'm not. Such is life. Here are some of the only pictures I took, this was at 11:45pm right before I left to drive back. We are cool. Clearly.

We left back to Canada at midnight Monday and drove through the night. I did make Davin and Sierra watch "The Cutting Edge" on the way back. Up until that point I had failed as a sister, since they somehow had never seen it. Good thing I set things right. It was excellent. Toe pick! We stopped in Stirling again on the way back and visited the grandparents along with my Aunt Coralee and some of our cousins. It was brief but lovely nonetheless. All in all a successful trip.
The rest of the month is going to have to wait. I am going to bed, I know this daylight savings time is going to kick my butt tomorrow.....