The food and drinks. Lots of fruit, drinks further down, and desserts on the other side.
The awesome punch fountain and Shirley Temples
The candy bar
The prop station for the photo booth
Saturday, the day after, I slept in later than I have in a long long long time. And as crazy busy as I was every single day of September and October, I was equivalently lazy on Saturday. It was glorious! I did hardly anything productive. I watched Shrek the Musical, a DVD of the Broadway show. Which is actually pretty funny. But hey, I love Broadway. I did have to take back the punch fountain to the rental place, sadly forcing me to leave the house. I did debate going in my pj's, for a long time actually. In the end I switched out of my cupcake pj's into yoga pants just in case. But I didn't put in my contacts. So there was still lots of comfort there. I came straight home after dropping it off and resumed my highly unproductive day. I ate a ton of nanimo bars and fruit that was left over from the dance. Thinking about it makes me smile. I did venture out of the house Saturday evening to visit Val and her daughter Macy. Val fed me and we had a lovely visit. I babysat while her and Chris had a date night. But since it was later, I pretty much played with Macy for 20 minutes then it was bed time. So I watched more tv on their couch. Win.
Life has been good. Very very busy. I am still somehow doing three choirs, plus Book of Mormon classes at the Institute of Religion, babysitting various families, working full time, attending church at least three hours every Sunday, and up until Saturday I was planning this giant dance. Heavenly Father definitely answered my prayers by making it all manageable. I know it was with His help. So what have I done for fun you may ask? I have become completely obsessed with listening to Broadway Musical Soundtracks. It is ridiculous how much I love them. And for your reading pleasure/if you choose to look them up and listen to them yourselves, I give you my current favorites list.
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Pretty much in love with this. I got to know the music when I had roommates who were in a production of the show. And I have since become pretty obsessed with all the work of Sutton Foster after seeing her do an amazing tap dance number from a past Tony Awards show on Youtube. So when I realized it was her that originated the role of Millie I just loved it even more. The music is amazing and I cant help singing and dancing along. It makes me happy.
Anything Goes
I happened upon the title song for this musical and its amazing tap dance number on youtube one day. Since then I have been somewhat unsuccessfully trying to tap dance, because they make it look so darn awesome. Actually, Kaylee and I even signed up for a tap dance class. But it doesn't start until mid November, so until then I will have to get by with studying youtube. ;) I've never seen this show, but the music is awesome, and there are actually quite a few familiar songs. If you want to be inspired to tap dance you can watch this link I honestly don't know how people dance like that and then sing full out. Super humans.
The Drowsy Chaperone

This soundtrack is hilarious! I seriously laugh out loud when listening to it. And it was made by Canadians. Originally as a wedding gift for their friends, it ended up on Broadway. Genius!
As mentioned in previous blogs, I have seen this one. But the soundtrack never gets old. And I love everything about it. So incredibly magical! This show makes me want to learn how to ballroom dance. Maybe that can be next after tap.
Bonnie and Clyde
Not your typical Broadway musical. But the music is still absolutely amazing! Southern and almost folk-y. Bonnie is played by Laura Osnes who is now starring as Cinderella. Very different roles. But seriously don't skip this soundtrack over. Even though the show didn't run for long on Broadway, it is powerful. Who would have thought a musical about two notorious robbers would be so good.
Little Woman

Away from comedies again with Little Woman. It also has Sutton Foster, so of course anything she sings is amazing. And listening to it so much has made me want to reread the book. I just love it. If you were to listen to one song from this, you should listen to Astonishing. It makes me want to do big awesome things.
It has been a favorite for a long time. The soundtrack is so great. And despite the fact that I've listened to it at least a million times, I don't ever get sick of it. They are having their 10th anniversary performance on Oct. 30 and sometimes I try and win tickets to it. So far no luck. But I think it would be so incredible to be there for it! At least I saw it this summer, better than nothing.
That's all for now. I still listen to others, but these are my top picks right now. Of course Les Mis is my long time favorite, but these are a few of my new discoveries. They make life good and keep me sane. :)
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