Sunday, 12 July 2015

Travelling to London

I got to the airport in plenty of time. Though before I caught the shuttle I had to run back to the hostel since I had forgot my main pair of shoes. Still, I had left lots of time so I was alright. I got to the airport grateful that I had come early. The line was crazy. And for most of it I always seemed to be the last one in line. I had music in my head and I really just wanted to break out into song and dance. I imagined everyone in the airport joining in, and us having a great big musical number. With lyrics in both English and Italian, obviously.

I was able to check and I got through the security lines without a hitch. Actually I was a little worried cause I have two little jars of pesto, each is a little more than 100mL. But I arranged them in my liquids bag somewhat strategically, hoping it would get passed over. I acted confidant that it would all be alright as I went through. But the lady did pick it up and look at it. On the other side the security man asked where I was heading. Since I said England for a week, he let me keep them. Yay! Pesto in Canada I shall have. It won't be a problem again since I plan on checking my bag from London. I figured I had just enough time to buy two giant chocolate bars from the duty free store, since they were cheap. Then headed to my gate. Except there was a giant line there. It was a customs line, which I didn't account for, and they had at least five flights funnelling through there. This was the only time I maybe worried a little that I didn't have enough time. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten my giant chocolate bars. But they hadn't paged me yet, so I figured I was alright.

While I was waiting in line there was girl that tried to come back out the exit. Which is a bad idea when that exit is customs. She wanted to charge her cell phone and then come back through the line. She kept yelling at the workers, "I'm American! I need to go charge my phone. I'm going to Dublin and just want to charge my phone. Come on I'm American!"  Etc, etc. I realize that not all Americans are like that, in fact all the ones I know aren't. And I know there is people like that from everywhere, but if there is one way to get people to dislike you, speak that way to the very polite Italian workers. I don't get it, her flight left in half an hour anyways, so by the time she got out she would have to jump back in line cause it was so long. I just had to shake my head. Watch what you say people (aka the angry girl in the Napoli airport that wanted to exit customs just to charge her phone), others are watching. And maybe judging a little bit. And posting it on their blogs. That a handful of people read.

The flight was good. Then I hopped through customs super fast in London. Actually it was quite nice cause they had all UK/EU passport holders go in one line, and passports from everywhere else in another. I happened to be travelling with a lot of Europeans. Cause my line had maybe five of us in it, while there were hundreds in the other one. Win! Now I am back in the UK. I admit when I stepped off the plane I sang "Hail Britannia! Britannia rules the waves. We shall never, never, never be slaves!".

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