Monday, 3 April 2017

Broadway Debut!!

My 'Broadway Debut'

I wrote this post a while ago but it never published. So here is a detailed account of how I made it big on Broadway.

My mom and I went to Waitress on Tuesday night. They had said they were hosting cast album karaoke after the show. I wasn't totally sure how it worked. At the theatre they had a sign up, and after the show they would draw a couple people to go up on stage and sing with the actual Waitress band. I thought that'd be pretty cool. So I signed up. My mom did too, but instantly regretted it. Haha I can only imagine how that would have gone. After the show lots of the audience stayed, they had a cast member (woot Jeremy Morse) and someone from Playbill hosting the after show. There was a hat with everyone's name that had signed up. Lots of folks had put their name in that hat, I didn't know how many they were going to draw. I was making peace with just watching, even though I thought it'd be pretty cool to go up there. They called one name at a time, that person would go backstage and then come out on stage and sing with band. I am not very good at getting my name drawn, its pretty rare actually, so I wasn't expecting it to happen this time. They called 6ish names then said they were drawing one last name. My mom decided to go to the bathroom. Out of the hat they pulled a paper with two names who wanted to do a duet. I did not get called and I was okay with it. But then the names weren't there...they kept calling them. But someone said they had just which a very enthusiastic person said she would take their place. But the hosts were insistent they draw out of the hat fair and square. Then they picked my name. I was stoked.

My mom was still in the bathroom so I ran up with my phone intending to pass it off to someone so that my 'Broadway Debut' would be recorded for history and archival purposes. I got backstage and they had me fill out a form, which I could hardly do because I was insanely excited and nervous. I was taking tons of selfies backstage that don't even look like anything because it was dark back there. Then I got to go on stage. I was ridiculously happy. I picked what song I wanted to sing, nodded to Nadia the amazing musical director, and started singing. I know all the words so I didn't need the lyric sheet and just had an absolute blast singing to the incredibly receptive crowd. And then the song ended. And Jeremy was high fiving me. And they let me take pictures with the audience and the band. And since i was the last one I got extra time on stage. Best ever. Essentially I just soaked it all in. Even though it had nothing to do with talent, I was so thrilled my name got called and I got to go up there. Talk about luck. Because it was definitely on my bucket list to sing on a Broadway stage. And that is one giant check mark off that list. Though I wouldn't be opposed to it happening again. I had seen my mom made it back before I started singing, she had her camera. Sadly the video wasn't working, so no videos to document the occasion. But I got lots of pictures and I have replayed the whole thing over in my head a million times so far, so I think it'll stick.

That is the definition of a good night.

PS enjoy some of my crazy excited selfies from the night.

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