Wow. I fail at blogging in the summer. At least I made one post. but now that the school year is back in swing hopefully I will resume my weekly posts. This one will be a run down on my incredibly awesome summer. I did write a post talking about half of my trip to California. Really though, I am in a New York mood. So I will probably post about that now. And if you're lucky I will finish CA next time.
New York was AMAZING! Seriously one of my favorite trips ever. Mostly because I have been obsessed with Broadway since I was little. So nine days in NYC with two of my best friends, who love Broadway almost as much as I do was a definite win. We all had the same agenda, which was to see as much New York as humanly possible. Yes, we succeeded. We were up late into the night exploring and then in the morning we woke early and hit the pavement. I am proud to say that we really did see almost everything. My feet thought they were going to die after the first few days, but it was so worth it. Discovering the concrete jungle!
Yes we had to have breakfast at Tiffanys. We took the bagels we bought from the best bagel shop ever and had the classic experience. If you ever want to feel like a wealthy person then go explore Tiffany's in NY and pretend you can buy anything there.
This is a top Trump Towers. I didn't see Donald, but if I had I would have told him 'You're Fired". He probably hears that a lot....but I wouldn't have cared.
We found the Temple. Or at least I did. Kaylee and Susan had a bit more trouble locating it. We were standing right in front of it, and Kaylee pulls out the map to try and find it. The Temple is on the first two floors and the chapel part is on the third floor. After we had been to church we left and Susan mentioned that we should try and find the Temple since it supposedly was close. Don't worry, we showed her where it was.
This was after they found it...
Central Park
Empire State Building Observation Deck. This day involved the most walking, so by this point (11:30pm) we really did think our feet were going to fall off. ps Kaylee is picking the binoculars nose.
The main entrance.
All lit up at night.
The first night we were there we went to 'Once'. My first Broadway show on Broadway. It was wonderful. And I maybe cried. Go see it if you ever get a chance. It is completely different from your typical Broadway show. The actors all play the instruments as well as act and sing. Its so good!
The second show we saw was 'Newsies'. We went to the ticket lottery and they didn't draw our names. :( But it had a silver lining, since we were first in line for standing room tickets Kaylee actually ended up getting a lottery ticket someone didn't want. Then Susan and I both got the best standing tickets. And only $30, a steal of a deal! The show was phenomenal! I had a giddy grin on my face the whole time. Seriously, the dancing and singing and everything was so so so great. Funny story actually, after we had won the tickets we had time to go for dinner. We went to Ellen's Stardust Diner, this great place where the wait staff actually take turns singing the whole time you're eating. Being serenaded by Broadway tunes while stuffing my face turns out to be like one of my favorite things ever. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we didn't realize how little time we had to get to the theatre. When we did clue in it was 7:15 and the show started at 7:30, and we were over 10 city blocks away. We ruled out the subway and took off running full speed. Not an easy task running through Times Square with a billion people everywhere. Luckily Kaylee knew where we were going and we got to the theatre just in time. The door ushers cheered us on as we ran down the street and into the theatre. We were so sweaty and out of breath. We got to our spots and I looked over at a lady handing out programs and asked "How much longer until the show starts?"
She replied "Why? Do you have to go to the bathroom?"
Me "Yes..."
Her "Go now"
And I took off running the wrong way. She lovingly hollered at me that I was going the wrong way and I changed directions. I made it back just in time for the lights to come on and the show started. I love Newsies! I would like one please. So if anyone knows how I can get one, just let me know!
Post show we went Newsie crazy!
Tuesday of the week was a rainy day. So we hit up a bunch of museums. The Metropolitan Museum of Art was lovely. This picture here was supposed to be Kaylee and I pretending to be the statue closest to me. Kaylee had an epic fail in that goal, but I think I did rather well. My eyes match his almost perfectly!
Walk Like and Egyptian
We went to try and win Wicked lottery tickets. After our Newsie experience I was feeling pretty good. Until we got to the theatre and saw how many people were also hoping to win the tickets. We did not win. So we were a little bummed, but had decided that we would see a show regardless. Not winning Wicked turned out to be a blessing that night because we ended up going to see Cinderella. I went in not knowing much about it since it wasn't the traditional Disney version. The actual theatre was beautiful with chandeliers and gave off a palace feel.
The show itself was incredibly magical! I was in awe of everything that was happening right before my eyes. I absolutely loved everything about it. And it definitely became one of my most favorites. So funny and heart warming and delightful.
The Prince and I. I was thrilled meeting him!
This guy plays the Raccoon, and is the Prince's understudy. Also awesome.
Us with Cinderella, aka Laura Osnes. She is probably my new favorite actress. She has a video blog that goes behind the scenes of Cinderella which is hilarious. Watch it. You will love it.
We saved Top of the Rock for a beautiful morning so that we could see everything. It was totally worth it. Such a gorgeous view and fun time.
Birds eye view of Central Park
Light sensor room. I want one of these in my house one day.
One of our nice pictures.
Now bring on the mo-delling pictures.
Top of the Rock...Stars
Even though we didn't win lottery tickets I was not about to leave New York with out seeing this show. Wicked pretty much changed my life.
In the lobby
After it ended I almost cried, just because I was so sad it ended.
Us with Katie Rose Clarke the actress who plays Galinda!
And Lindsay Mendez who plays Elphaba. Her voice is pretty killer. She also has a video blog on which is also awesome. Wicked awesome.
Oh Wicked. How I love you.
Playing at FAO Shwartz toy store.
This picture was taken outside Rockefeller Center right before the security guard told us we weren't allowed to sit there. We had to stand and eat our bagels.
I went to an exhibit called "The Art of the Brick" while Kaylee and Susan hit up the Body Worlds exhibit. Pretty much after this all I wanted to do was build lego. If only I had an endless supply. I feel like I could make some cool stuff too. Maybe not quite as cool as this guy though...
At the end I got to write my name on a piece of lego, and when the exhibit is done the artist is going to take all these pieces and make a new sculpture. I will be immortalized.
The first three shows I saw in NY
Times Square!!!
For Susan and Kaylee this was a leisurely bike ride in Central Park. For me it was beautiful but also proved how out of shape I was while attempting to pedal up the hills.
Papa Bike, Mama Bike, and Baby Bike
Brooklyn Bridge, view from the cruise we took.
Liberty. The Lady.
Susan and Lib.
Thursday night we went to Matilda. Incredible. The kids in this play were amazing. I don't know how they dance and sing so well at such a young age. The little girl who played Matilda was way beyond her years and oh so cute!
This sign says it all.
Happy after Matilda.
Coney Island. The real deal.
What up Coney Island?
Kaylee was crazy excited to be at the beach. And she voiced her disappointment more than once at not having her swimsuit. In the end that didn't stop her. I'm pretty sure she danced like this the whole time we were at the beach.
Its almost like they're high fiving!
This summer I went in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Pretty sweet I'd say. This photograph was captured by the oh so talented Susan, documenting our frolicking in the water. Or actually just above, seeing how our feet aren't even touching the ground. Win.
Walking the High Line. It was this old rail way above the ground that hadn't been used in decades. They wanted to tear it down but the public appealed and so they turned it into a beautiful garden path that you can walk.
Complete with art and shrubbery.
We saw Annie on Friday night, but for some reason I didn't take any pictures. Saturday afternoon we went to Lion King. I had seen it before in Edmonton on tour and it was just as incredible as I imagined it. Such beauty and creativity in everything about that show. This picture of Scar, Rafiki, and I isn't real....they are wax. But it was pretty cool since we had seen it that day and I had my Playbill with me. So it looks real. If I didn'y tell you, then you probably wouldn't have even thought twice about it.
The last show we saw was Phantom of the Opera. 25th Anniversary cast. Beautiful. Magnificent. Fell in love with the Phantom all over again.
Last pic in Times Square. Sunday before we left to the airport.
Next are a bunch of random pictures that I just don't feel like dragging into order.
NY Pizza!!
The NYC Public Library. I want one!
On the Library steps
Peace out NY! I can guarantee it will not be my last time there. I had such an awesome trip and an awesome time with these lovely ladies. We had a blast. And now I need to end this. If anyone actually made it this far, I am impressed. Turns out this is my longest blog yet. Maybe this makes up for all those summer weeks that I skipped.