There are some people who when they pass away the entire world mourns. Nelson Mandela was one of those great people. His life influenced so many and he changed the world we live in for good. I don't know how he was able to endure everything that life handed to him, but he did and triumphed over so much. I am personally grateful to have lived in the same world as he did.
Then there are people who have a much smaller circle of those who personally knew them. These are those who when they pass away are mourned, but not by the entire world. Though their life is no less important. Their good influence reaches all who had the privilege of knowing them. Their life makes that circle of family, friends, and acquaintances better because of the life they lived. I believe that while it is smaller numbers who knew them, their impact on the world is no less powerful than those of great historical importance. Each life that is influenced for good in turn continues to pass it on to the people in their life, and so on and so on. Who knows the distance in which a single persons love can travel. I'm sure all of us have had at least one person like this throughout our lifetime.
I had the privilege of knowing one of these great souls. I met Buck Landy and his wife while I was serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Ventura, CA. He had so many good qualities; his sense of humor, his generosity, and his ability to make anyone feel special. And that is only naming a few of his best traits. Brother Landy (as I called him) could always make you laugh. And he introduced me to fish tacos from the restaurant Spencer Mackenzie's, which are the best in the world. So that alone leaves me in his debt. Trust me, he would want me to tell everyone how good they are.
Once when I was at the Landy house I mentioned how much I enjoyed See's Candy chocolates. Of course right after I said that he pulls out an unopened box of See's for us to share. And he sends me home with another box for our apartment. After my mission was over I went back to visit with my fellow missionary friend Riena. Bro. and Sis. Landy always said if we came back to visit they would take us to Disneyland. And they insisted. For two days we enjoyed everything that Disneyland had to offer with them and two of their younger granddaughters. They didn't do any rides or anything like that. But they wanted us to have the best time possible.
Bro. Landy was a grandfather for me while I was so far away from my own family. He was a wonderful example of service, genuine kindness and love. And I hope to treat those I meet the same way he did, at least in some small way. And so even though the amount of people in this world who knew Buck Landy is relatively small in comparison, I have no doubt that his positive influence will reach millions.
Thanks for everything Bro. Landy, I'll see you on the other side!

The last night of my mission at our 'Goodbye Ventura' Party.
L-R Angelina, me, Shawn, Bro. Landy, Riena, Sis. Landy

In Disneyland with Angelina, Bro. Landy, and Melissa

At Spencer Mackenzie's, home of the infamous fish tacos. One of many fish taco trips with these two. :)
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