2013 proved to be an excellent year. So here is a review at a glance.
Where it began: At my parents home in the middle of nowhere, with my family. Nothing too crazy, we had just been playing games, eating, and listening to music.
Food: Would definitely be perogies. I live close enough to work to come home for lunch every day. So each day I make perogies with broccoli and spinach. Topped with cheese and ranch dressing. There really is nothing better. I have a feeling this will continue for a very long time. Yum.
Movie: Two way tie between Catching Fire and Frozen. Both were completely different but amazing! Catching Fire was incredibly well adapted from the book to the screen. I saw it twice in a week, and could probably see it more than that if my wallet would allow it. Frozen is just all around great. It has wonderful music, which I attribute to all the Broadway voices they cast. That is a movie that I will own as soon as it comes out.
Concert to Watch: Josh Groban at the Hollywood Bowl. I have been a fan of his since he first came out with his debut album. And so this was a dream come true watching him sing live. He certainly is wonderful!

Actors: Three new favourites I discovered this year. All Broadway. Laura Osnes, who was Cinderella. Every musical soundtrack that she is on has become part of my repeated playlist. Lindsey Mendez, who plays Elphaba in Wicked. She can certainly belt out any song. And then probably the most well known on my list is Sutton Foster. She started on Broadway but has since done lots of things on television as well. Sadly her show Bunheads was cancelled after one season (boo!) but she is coming out with another show in the near future. And she can tap dance like no one else. Over Christmas my sister and I started most conversations like such:
1-Would you like to listen to/watch __________?
2-Will there be Sutton Foster?
2-Then YES!

Laura Osnes, Lindsey Mendez, Sutton Foster
Music: Almost every Broadway show ever recorded. I’ve already touched on these in past blogs. I can’t help myself, they are just so darn good! Bonnie and Clyde, Cinderella, Anything Goes, Matilda, Drowsy Chaperone, Little Women, Lion King, Wicked, Newsies, Oklahoma, South Pacific, Once, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Shrek the Musical to name a few...
April: I went to Banff with my choir, Oran. It was only for a weekend, but it was so much fun. We got to do lots of performing and really had a blast. I got to know some of the lovely people in my choir a lot better too.

July: California road trip! Susan and I embarked on our journey on a Thursday night. Making a stop in Stirling to stay the night with my Lybbert grandparents. We awoke early Friday and drove down to Utah picking up two of my old mission companions, Riena and Kelsey (aka Kmo and Put). We drove through the Vegas strip at 4 am, which was pretty empty given the time. A nice way to see it actually. In California we had a wonderful time visiting old mission friends, going to the beach, sailing in the ocean, and exploring Hollywood. We even got to go to a Drum Corps show (epic and awesome!!) and see Josh Groban with the LA Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl. I was certainly sad to see this trip end. Everything went very smoothly and we had no car problems or anything like that. The perfect road trip.

August: My friends Kaylee and Susan said they were going to New York City and invited me to go with them. For some reason I didn’t decide to go immediately, but I came to my senses and we booked our flights. NY was one of my favourite trips ever. We were all on the same page; which was to see as many things as possible. And trust me, that is what we did. We were out late then up early in the morning to explore the things NYC has to offer. My first priority was Broadway of course. We saw eight shows, which many people think I must have broke the bank doing. In reality we got most of the tickets mega discounted because they were day of. We only payed full price for Wicked and Matilda. Which of course were worth it. Pretty much changed my life. Its hard to list my favourites here, because thats almost impossible. I think my top five would be Wicked, Cinderella, Matilda, Newsies, and Once. An unforgettable trip. And now I am even more obsessed with New York than I was before.

2013 Ended out East with the family. My favorite people in the world. I am so lucky to have them in my life.
Here's to an equally awesome year with 2014!
What a good year!! I'm so jealous of your holidays.