Here is the break down of my week. Out of 168 Hours in a week.
My co-worker Carla that worked in the Baby room with me recently moved, so I now have a new room partner at work. I definitely miss working with Carla every day, but I`m enjoying working with Lauren as well.
Lunch breaks-5
mmmmm perogies and broccoli
Choir-Usually 5. This week though its 13.
We have a HUGE concert coming up. Which everyone should attend!!! Seriously it is going to be amazing. All of it is African music. Coupled with a dance company, and lots of special guests from around the world. This concert almost always sells out, so if you want tickets let me know. There is going to be so much movement and wonderful music. For a while each time I came to choir I would see more new pieces that we were adding to the concert. Which can be a bit daunting when most of them are in various African languages. But I am listening to the examples all the time and I feel a lot more confident with all the music. Gradually they are all getting memorized and we are adding in lots of movement. It will not be boring at all! I can`t wait!!

Sleep-45 if I`m lucky
I really should get more...
Old Testament Class at the Institute of Religion-1.5
We are studying the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I find it absolutely fascinating!
Tap Dance Class-1.5
Watch out Sutton Foster. I`m getting good! haha...
Stake Primary Meetings-2, plus about 1.5 of stuff relating to that. I get to visit various Primaries, at least two weeks out of the month. For those that don`t know, this is the children`s organization at church. Since I moved to Edmonton I have been attending a Young Single Adult (YSA) congregation (also known as a ward) at church. Recently I got asked to be the secretary for Stake Primary, which oversees 12 different congregations. It is a blast. I am loving it so much. I just love watching the children as they gain simple testimonies of the Gospel. On the weeks that I don`t attend Primary I go still go to my YSA ward.
Add in travel time and other random stuff and errands, it doesn`t leave much down time. How you may ask, do I spend my down time. As of Friday, I have become Canada`s biggest fan watching the Olympics. 200 points goes to CBC and their incredible coverage. Originally I was going to get cable for the occasion. But ended up leaving it too late. Turns out I don`t need cable. Everything is online! I can watch full events live, or go back after they are done and see the entire event. They also have highlight videos and news stories as well. I have the app on my phone, and it has been constantly playing. I admit my favorite event is figure skating. I cant get enough. Seriously, the new event `Team Figure Skating` totally captivated me. If you don`t understand how it works, google it. With my favorites Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir leading them in Ice dancing. They won the Gold Medal last Winter Olympics in Vancouver and are going for it again. Except their closest competitors from our neighbors to the South have been undefeated this whole season. A story has been leaked that the Russian judges and the American judges struck a deal that the US would bump up the Russian scores in the team event if in return the Russians bumped up the scores for the US in Ice Dancing. If this is the case, I will be very angry. I admit that America does have very talented Ice Dancers, but Canada`s just have something extra. Anyways, needless to say I am so ready to talk all things Olympics. And before I move on, I want to say how impressed I was with the Opening Ceremonies. I wasn`t expecting much after seeing all the Sochi pictures of hotels and other random things that have been circling the internet. But seriously, Russia did not disappoint. So much that now I want to go to Sochi, despite the bathrooms having multiple toilets or pictures of Putin everywhere or the complimentary stray cats. Go Russia! After seeing the Opening Ceremonies I also feel that I should now read War and Peace, since I found out the main character`s name is Natasha. Yes, now I have to read it. As I type this I am watching curling. Canada vs. Germany. Canada is ahead by one. Sweep!
Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue, defending Olympic Gold Medalists
Figure Skating Team Canada. Right after they won the Silver Medal!
Opening Ceremonies in Sochi. I have those mittens.
GO CANADA GO!!!!!!!!
I love every single thing about this post and your life. I am also now going to check out the cbc website. Thanks for the tip!