Monday 26 November 2012

Tut Tut Turtle

Ok so I may be slacking a bit on my 'experiments'. I think I need to do more research and find good goals, because right now they are kind of lacking. I will start writing down ideas too and maybe even make a schedule. With that in place I will be on my way and perhaps this blog will be slightly more exciting then it already is (if thats possible). haha.

My unofficial goal this week was to get all my Christmas cards done. That didn't happen, but I did do pretty good. I am almost done with only 4 left......of ones that I'm sending to the States. I figured I dont need to be as hasty with people here cause I don't plan on giving those out for 2.5 more weeks. Actually thats not too far away either. I guess I better get cracking!

I love Christmas, I am pretty much obsessed. And this was a great week for fun Christmas activities. On Saturday I went to a Relief Society activity where we were making chocolate turtles. Everything went well until I melted the chocolate. You see, the recipe said to melt chocolate chips, butter, and parowax together. But all we had was dipping chocolate. So I just used that and the butter. Turns out I didn't actually need the butter and ended up making a chocolate paste. Oops. Good thing we had extra chocolate! Theystill turned out delicious. The next day I was having some friends over for a tree decorating/lighting party. I thought I would wow them with my new found turtle making skills. It started out alright, but too high of heat led to over cooked caramel. Thats probably an understatement. When they cooled they were rock hard. My friends were optomistic and ate them any ways. We even dipped them in chocolate (that I didn't make into paste...). I liken them to petrified turtle eggs, and the only way to eat one without breaking a tooth was to suck on them for a very long time. I guess theses chocolates worked great if you were watching your weight. Since it took you an hour to eat one. At the end of the night my roommate Bethany's boyfriend, Merrill, took all but two home. Good thing boys will eat anything!

Decorating the tree was also eventful. Bethany and I thought we had a box of ornaments in the basement. So I didn't bother getting any. Only to discover that there was no box, it was MIA. Thankfully my friend, Emily, brought 3 ornaments her girl guides made, I had two ornaments, and Kaitlyn fasioned a star out of tin foil. So despite there being only 5 decorations it was still lovely. Luckily I had picked up some lights. And now our tree stands in the window, looking as magical as ever.

Lessons learned this week?
1. Don't melt dipping chocolate and butter together if all you want to do is dip chocolates.
2. Don't overboil caramel if you're looking to keep all your teeth while eating it.
3. A Christmas tree is still a Christmas tree, even when you only have 5 decorations on it. :)

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