Sunday 4 November 2012

Why my family is the best in the whole world!

As you can see by the title, I intend to set out why my family is indeed the best in the whole world. Its a fact.

First reason would be my amazing grandparents. Seriously they are all the best. I just came from spending a day at my Allen grandparents house. They are my Mom's parents and they live on a farm just outside of Whitecourt. They have lived there for as long as I can remember. As a child it was my playground. Constant exploration. My grandma has taught me all her baking/cooking secrets. Well its still in the process, I don't know if I'll ever truly get there. She makes me laugh so hard every time I go over. Being there and with her makes me happy. My grandpa Allen is one of the best people I know. He is the kindest person around and definitely the hardest working. He recently got an award for work, he is number 1 in Canada. I figure its only a matter of time before the UN and Nobel prize people come knocking on his door.

I've also been blessed to come from a long line of Lybberts. Best name ever. Both of my dad's parents have an incredible legacy in the church. And they have continued it beautifully. So much to learn of service and true missionary work from both of them. Coupled with excellent cowboy logic, what more could a girl ask for?

The Ewers, my moms father and family are people that I cannot imagine my life without. To think of a word to sum them up would be kindness. Never have I felt anything less than completely welcome and at home with them. My grandma Eileen has passed on, but I have no doubt she is just as busy serving there like she was here.

So you see, I have the best grandparents. My next reason would be my incredibly fantastic siblings. When I think of the possibility of being an only child it makes me sad. Cause my siblings are my best friends. There was always a lot of laughter in my house growing up, and that hasn't changed. When I think of all my memories it makes me smile And sometimes even laugh out loud. How did I get so lucky to be sister to 4 of the coolest people in the world? I don't know bit I'm sure glad. They are amazing examples to me. One day I want to be like them. Today Stage was at my grandparents house. He knows how to serve and make you feel special. All the while rolling in laughter.

Then my final reason is of course my parents. Funny, persevering, kind, smart, incredible, crazy, and loving. There was never a moment in my life that I didn't know my parents loved me. Not only did they tell me but they showed me through their actions. Somehow they managed to raise my 4 siblings and I, despite our craziness, especially Stages. And there is still joy in the journey. My favorite memories of all time are those when my whole family was together. Nothing beats that. And I for one am incredibly grateful that I get to be with them forever. I don't know how its fair for that I got sent to the best family in the whole world, but I'm certainly glad I did! Thanks for making my life happy.

There is a quote from my favorite author Victor Hugo in his book Les Miserables that goes like this "the greatest thing in life is being loved. Having someone love you for oneself and having someone love you in spite of yourself." Sums it up. My family makes me better. Thanks for that and everything else! Love you all!

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