Sunday 6 January 2013

Why do skinny jeans have to be so skinny?

Welcome all to my second blog of 2013. Special shout out to Tanya who was the first person to tell me she read my blog. And thanks to everyone who clicked on my link via Facebook, cause it significantly upped my page view count. Well done! This week was a nice ease back into regular life. Work but no choir. I found myself with some extra time which of course I filled with shopping. And I admit shopping is a lot more fun when you don't need anything specifically, because you always end up finding great things to purchase. But when you have that specific item you are hunting for it seems impossible to find. Or at least find it with your desired qualities. I set off to find me some skinny jeans. I usually catch onto trends after they've been out for quite some time and probably close to extinction. Regardless I got me some nice pants a little while ago that have become my favorites. My first pair of skinny jeans. I only had two pairs of jeans at the time that fit me well, and my first pair got giant (beyond trendy) holes in the knees. So I knew it was time to buy more. I went to Southgate Mall with no success. Turns out I'm really cheap, or everything I found there was really expensive. The next day I went to somewhere more in my price range. Walmart. Finding jeans at an appropriate price was easy, and before long I had a stack to try on. I was generous to with my sizes, or so I thought. I had quite the range. Only to discover in the change room that I had failed to note the obvious. Skinny jeans are freaking skinny. I don't get it. They hardly fit around my not-really-toned calves, yet the waist is huge. I don't know how people walk in those things. Seriously they act like those circulation socks that old ladies have to wear on airplanes and stuff. It was even stretchy material. I don't think those ones were for me. After a couple more perusals around the store I decided to go try on a bigger size, much to my dismay they sort of fit. Not really tight enough but at least my legs got some room to breath or at least circulate as they please. The problem is that the waist is still too big, but I'm classy enough to use a belt. Cheap jeans: check
Lack of pants problem solved: check
Resolve to not shop for pants for at least a year: check

Thank you Walmart for sort of pulling through!

Next funny story of the post. Actually I don't know if that first one could be classified as funny but nonetheless. This next one is more amusing. So these past few months I've been in Edmonton I have been sleeping on a borrowed mattress right on the floor. No actual bed. I finally was able to bring my bed frame back from my grandma's house where it was being stored. This is an exciting thing. I eagerly put it together yesterday only to discover I was missing a tiny little piece. That couldn't make much of a difference I thought to my self. Well, my self was wrong. It looked great and even made it through the night. But I awoke to a slight space in the headboard. I decided to fix it, which led to all the boards holding my mattress up to fall. This is how I left it, and all day in my mind I knew that when I got home I would have to fix it. I was dreading it, if you knew how long it took me to put it together the first time you would understand. And I didn't get home until 10. The first thing I did was go 'fix' my bed. And feel like it went pretty well and didn't take nearly as long as I anticipated. It actually kind of fixed itself. And now I am relaxing on my lovely bed in my cheap Walmart skinny jeans. I've got class.

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