Sunday 7 April 2013

Strep Throat: Ain't Nobody got time for that!

Warning: This entry probably isn't that interesting. Read at your own risk.

You know how you can have a pretty good week, but then something happens that completely erases your memory of the week leading up to that? Ok so that sort of happened to me. At least while I'm sitting here trying to think what to write about this week, the only thing that occupies my mind is Strep Throat. The vicious bacterial throat infection that feeds of the stalwart of heart and nobility of blood.......and perhaps those unfortunate enough to be exposed to it in a moment of weakness. Such was my run of luck. Thursday I really started to feel yucky but Friday it had hit full force. I didn't really sleep much Thursday night, at least not solid. When I woke up Friday morning I felt really terrible. But I knew we were a bit short staffed at work, so I thought I would give it a try. There were so many babies. Luckily they were pretty chill, or it would have been even worse. I wondered out loud how sick parents survived when they still had to watch their kids. My wise co-worker (mother of two) informed me the answer was TV. Now I feel like I have a head start when I have my own kids. Unfortunately TV was not an option at the day care. Though I work with great people who figured out a plan so I could leave early. And I was off, straight to the Medi-Centre. Note, this is the first sick day I have EVER taken from work. Big deal for me.

After a moderate wait at the clinic, with the Doctor certain of my prognosis (an extremely bad bacterial throat infection), I got drugs. Actually antibiotics....are those drugs? Bethany just confirmed for me that they are indeed. I went straight home and straight to bed. Good thing about not having kids right now is that I don't even have to worry about turning on the tv. I slept on and off until Saturday morning. It wasn't that great sleep though. Like, since I've been sick I keep having this reoccurring dream where I'm at a choir concert and I am not allowed to leave until I find all the pieces of this machine and put it together. Really random, and really annoying cause for some reason my sick dream self never releases its a dream until at least an hour. Lame. I did some fun random things in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep, like: facebook, shower, watch Ellen DeGeneres clips on youtube. Very productive. I was actually really lucky this weekend all I had going on was General Conference. Which can be viewed at home. There are four sessions, each two hours long. They were so good! I got a little groggy for some of it, but I look forward to going back and watching/listening again.

Saturday night I was feeling pretty good comparatively and so I went with a friend to the U of A Mixed Chorus concert. Since I didnt want to sleep more knowing it would contribute to another poor night. I thought sitting and listening to classical music should be alright. And it was wonderful. But I admit I did get pretty tired by the end, and it wasn't even a long concert!

Today was much the same. Now I am just anxiously awaiting the day I get my appetite back AND can actually swallow. I will never take it for granted again, I promise.  May you all have happy and very HEALTHY weeks!

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