Tuesday 7 July 2015

Are you not Entertained?!

I met a lovely Italian lady from Milan at the end of my perfect day in Cinque Terre. Her name was Francesca. And we had a good chat. She said I should go to Capri. Which I will have to add to my itinerary for next trip! Cinque Terre ended in the morning with me buying a peach and this delicious walnut pie pastry thing and eating breakfast on the rocks by the beach. Perfect. Then I got one more cone-o-fish and happily sat and ate it. I went and put my feet in the waves one more time and then it was time to catch my train.

I had to go to La Spezia first then catch another train to Rome. It was delayed, but I have a really good book. So I didn't mind. *Everyone should read 'The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Spciety' if you haven't before, its amazing!* My train to Rome has compartments and so it reminds me of Harry Potter. Except instead of fellows students going with me to Hogwarts, its a bunch of old Italian ladies. They must be the professors...

I got to my hostel in Rome, the directions said it was on the first floor. I could see no reception desk, then Rick Steves' voice came in my head saying in Italy the first floor is our second. So up I went. Thanks Rick! I watched a ton of his travel DVDs, got his book, and downloaded is free audio guides for Rome before I came. Quite a helpful fellow. Travelling? Just consult Rick. He'll help you out.

If you didn't see my Facebook status here it is. Literally one of the BEST nights of my life!

I JUST HAD AN AMAZING NIGHT!!!! And the amazingness continues! I got to my hostel in Rome at about 7:40pm, I got out my map and was looking at what was close to my hostel that I could check out tonight. I noticed the Teatro dell'Opera was only three blocks away. That's cool, I'll Google to see if they have anything showing. Oh its opening night of Madama Butterfly, but it probably started already (it was after 8) and it only shows this one night while I'm here. Wait it starts at 9! I can make that. So I throw on the only skirt I brought and run out the door. Even though I'm gross and sweaty from travelling all day. I hadn't eaten all day, but Music>Food. I get to the Opera House only to see a couple talking to the ticket lady, who in broken English was explaining that the tickets were at a different place. I pulled out my map and she showed us where to go (they were fellow Canadians). Luckily the train station was close and it wasn't too many stops away. It was 8:28, so we decided to go for it. The fellow Canadian lady was much less equipped for a sprint across Rome than I was, but we made it to the subway and got off at the right stop. Turns out this opera is actually out doors on a stage built up in front of roman ruins! I went to see if there were the cheap tickets left, and the lady gave me a deal! I asked if there was any €25 seats left, and she said yes. But would I prefer a €20 seat in row 12, as opposed the very back row? Ummm yes please!! I was grinning like a fool, until the ending... Its completely unreal! I can't believe I watched my first Opera live, in Rome, outside under the stars, in front of ancient ruins! I wish everyone was here with me!!!! THIS IS SO AWESOME! #myspinsteradventures

End status. It was incredible! Words can't describe. And I was sitting behind a former director for the company (so cool!!!), we had a nice chat. He was thrilled I enjoyed it. I knew the general storyline for Madame Butterfly, but had never seen it before. Luckily they still had English subtitles so I knew everything that was going on. The emotion these performers had was incredible. And the end I bawled and bawled. I had to not think about it too much when I was talking to the director or I might have started crying again. I was so moved by this performance. And the set was incredible! Did I mention they drove a car across the stage? Seriously, highlight of my life. Now I'm obsessed with the show. Big time.

Leaving I was walking on air. I can't believe it all worked out. I headed to the subway station and...its closed. So apparently it closes at midnight. Didn't think that would happen. Okay, how to get to my hostel without walking or taking an expensive taxi. Bus seems like a good option. I was totally unprepared for this since I was planning on taking the subway. Sooooo find the bus stop, figure out which one goes to my stop, and wait. Finally it came, but had no where to pay. So I got a free ride. It was my night. Got to my hostel without a hitch. And since then I keep thinking about my amazing night, and how lucky I was to get to go to that amazing production. And that everything worked out perfectly.

Next morning I woke up a bit later due to my late night. Ate my hostels free breakfast (I had four mini pieces of toast with nutella) and headed to ancient Rome. I'd heard many times that lines for the Colosseum can be crazy long. But if you buy your ticket at Paladine Hill or the Roman Forums, it includes entry to the Colosseum. If ever in Rome, heed this advice! It makes a huge difference. The line was short at Paladine Hill and in I went. It was another scorcher, so I moved slowly. Luckily they have 'courtesy water' spots all over the place so you can fill your water bottle. I'd be a dead woman without these. Later in the day I overheard a man say that he should have brought his water bottle, and he hadn't drank anything all day. This was like 5:00pm! I wanted to go up to him and say "excuse me sir, but how are you not dead?". I made it through Palatine Hill and the Roman forums, but it was rough. I probably should have sandwiched them with a museum visit in between. So much sun. There's a reason I was born in Canada. Before I came I downloaded a couple free audio guides by Rick Steves. Its free and super informative. I had full out walking tours thanks to him. Check them out people!

After the ruins I hit up a museum, mostly for the air conditioning. They actually had some neat displays. This one Chinese artist has an honorary degree from U of A, he was featured. And when I saw that in the film I got super excited! The museum led to the roof where a gorgeous church is. Beautiful! And then the view outside was wonderful too! I felt more like myself too having regulated my heat. I walked and explored around that area. And then decided to head to the Colosseum. My favorite of the day by far! It was so cool and big! And it blows my mind that it was built over 2000 years ago!! With Rick Steves' walking tour I was in the know. Quite an interesting time. And now I want to watch Gladiator. Ave Ceasar! Also I think a movie should be made about the Vesitbule Virgins. Guardians of the eternal flame. They lived in style for 30 years then got to marry. I think it would be super interesting, they could totally Hollywood that up! Anyways, Colosseum was amazing. Oh and I just walked right in cause I already had a ticket. While the fools in line had to wait an hour. Even though literally across the street you could also by a ticket. Now you all know!!

I then decided to head towards the Pantheon for some foods. The rule in Rome is, generally if the restaurant has pictures of their food displayed, its a tourist trap and the food ain't that good. Dig a little deeper and you'll get the good stuff. I had pizza for dinner and of course gelato for dessert. But the most amazing gelato ever! Lindt chocolate store. Dipped waffle cone in chocolate and hazelnuts, with white chocolate and black forest gelato. Quite possibly the most delicious thing ever. Except eating it in this heat proved to be more like a 'minute to win it' game. It was a melting time bomb. I raced against the clock and got most of it in me, only a couple drips as casualties to the roman streets.

Then my long walk back. I was dead by this point. My legs and feet protested. I hadn't stopped at all the while day, not even for lunch. So I was tired, and dirtier than an actual Roman from their high point in history. Okay, maybe the soldiers were cleaner than me, but I was dirtier than one of their slaves. I got back and realized I had major heat rash all over my legs. And maybe my cut was looking a little infected....geez Rome. Luckily my new friend at the hostel gave me some neosporin, which I think helped a lot. Here's to healing!!

And now my bed is calling.

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